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Midsummer Night’s Dream

Character Breakdown


Some parts are dedicated.  Others perform as 2 different characters, and actors should be comfortable with creating 2 distinctly different characters.


**Hermia- Female, any ethnicity, 18-25 yrs old, short, sweet, naive, very old-fashioned proper.

***Lysander - Male, any ethnicity, 18-25 yrs old, athletic

**Helena - Female, any ethnicity, 18-25 yrs old, naive, tall preferred, victim of unrequited love

***Demetrius- Male, any ethnicity, 18-25 yrs old, non-athletic, victim of unrequited love  

***Nick Bottom (Pyramus) - Male, any ethnicity, bachelor type, chick magnet, thinks he is smarter than he is

Puck - (Robin Goodfellow)- any gender identity, any ethnicity, a mischievous fairy who is servant to Oberon, likes to cause trouble

***Theseus/Oberon - Male, any ethnicity, Theseus is a Duke, wise and experienced.  Oberon is King of the Fairies.  Ageless. 

**Hippolyta/Titania - Female, any ethnicity.  Hippolyta is Queen of the Amazons, strong, fair, knows her own mind.  Titania is Queen of the Fairies.  Fierce. Ageless.  

Tom Snout (Wall) - Any gender identity, any ethnicity.  No specific age.  Snout is a manual laborer, not school educated


Snug (the lion)- Any gender identity, any ethnicity.  No specific age.  Snug is a manual laborer, not school educated. 

Francis Flute (Thisbe) - Any gender identity, any ethnicity. 18-25.  Flute  is a manual laborer, not school educated - the youngest in the group.  

Peter Quince (Prologue) -  Any gender identity, any ethnicity.  Age:  40+.  Snug is a manual laborer, more educated than the rest of the workers  - the oldest in the group.  


Robin Starveling/Peaseblossom - Any gender identity, any ethnicity.  No specific age.  Starveling is a manual laborer, not school educated.  1st Fairy is a servant to Titania.

Philostrate/Cobweb -  Any gender identity, any ethnicity, Philostrate is Master/Mistress of the Revels, serious, all business. Cobweb is a fairy who is a servant to Titania.

*Eugenia/Mustardseed - Eugenia (Egeus) - is Hermia’s mother, (or father) somewhat older than Hermia, proud, proper, titled.  Mustardseed is a fairy who is a servant to Titania.


* Depending on who we cast, Hermia’s parent can be either father or mother, with a preference to a mother.

**Hermia, Helena, Hippolyta/Titania are female

***Lysander, Demetrius, Theseus/Oberon, Bottom are male

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